
Thermal Insulation Board Plastering Mortar

Cement-based polymer-modified, fiber-reinforced special plaster is used for plastering boards (EPS, Mineral Wool, XPS and etc.) in external and interior applications.

Field of Application

  • For plastering the heat insulation board's top in the outer wall heat insulation system.
  • For plastering on concrete, gas concrete, and hollow foam in inner and outer space.
  • At residences, shopping centers, and hospitals.
  • For horizontal, vertical, and overhead applications.
  • For all kinds of reinforced concrete civil engineering constructions.

25 kg Kraft bag


  • It is easy to apply and ta gives shape.
  • It is a long-lasting product in various weather conditions.
  • It has high impact resistance thanks ta polymer powders in its formulation
  • It has vapor permeability.
  • It is not flammable.
  • Paint can be applied directly to it.
  • It tolerates the shrinkage and expansion caused by temperature differences and minimizes the risk of cracking thanks to fibers in its structure.


Surface Preparation
The surfaces must be clean, smooth, solid, and free of substances and residuals preventing adhesion such as all kinds of dust, grease, rust, molding oil, detergents, etc. The surfaces must be smooth; the weak parts must be removed. If there are cracks and pits on the surfaces or walls on which the applications shall be made, they must be repaired with appropriate repairing mortars.

The gaps remaining between the heat insulation boards should be filled with small pieces which shall be cut again from these boards. Before plastering application, the places where wall plugs shall be placed are opened on the board via a punch attached to the drill bit. The wall plugs are driven. Plug choice must be made depending on the thickness of the concrete, brick, gas concrete, and heat insulation board. At least 6 plugs must be driven for a 1 m2 area. As the story height increases, the number of pins must also be increased. Opening the plugs properly increases the quality of the application. If the wide round end (head) remains excessively outside or excessively inside of the board plain, it results in a bad appearance after the rain or with the sunlight. The locations of the plugs become clear. After the plugging process finishes, the application can be started. 6- 7 liters of clean and clear water at standard ambient temperature is added into a clean pot purged from all materials that could prevent adhesion. PH-3055 in the 25 kg bag in powder form is emptied into the pot filled with water. It is stirred with a low-speed mixer until a smooth and homogeneous appearance is obtained.

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Thermal Insulation Board Plastering Mortar

Thermal Insulation Board Plastering Mortar

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